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What are the methods of using and maintaining the riveting machine?

What are the methods of using and maintaining the riveting machine?

1. Do not process workpieces beyond the nominal capacity.  
2. Do not work under high pressure for a long time.  
3. The extension length of the rivet head should not exceed the specified value.  
4. Immediately stop for maintenance when encountering abnormalities, leading to troubleshooting.  
5. The guide rails of the equipment should be greased once a month for lubrication and rust prevention.  
6. The assembly and disassembly of the riveting head should be gentle, especially when removing the riveting head, do not use brute force to pull it out. Rotate the riveting head and pull it out slowly. If the riveting seat of the plug-in riveting head is pulled out of the normal position, the position of the riveting head will be obviously deviated after the riveting head is installed. At this time, the red safety cover should be removed and the riveting seat can be used after installing it in place, otherwise the machine will be easily damaged. .  
7. In use, the riveting head will have a slight adhesion phenomenon when processing certain materials. In order to ensure the quality of the riveting, the riveting head should be cleaned regularly to prevent the metal adhesion from thickening. When cleaning, fix the rivet head on the chuck of the lathe, and then polish it with sandpaper.  
8. The equipment should be maintained daily every two weeks. The main maintenance items are as follows. If problems are found, they should be dealt with in time.  
A. Check whether the amount of lubricating oil in the pneumatic triplet oil cup is sufficient, otherwise the oil cup should be filled.   B. Check whether the steam pipes and joints are firmly connected, and whether there is air leakage.  
C. Check whether there is adhesion in the rivet head cavity, and clean it if there is any.  
D. Add grease to the spherical pair.  
9. The equipment should be shut down and repaired in batches every 6 months, and the following items should be inspected. If problems are found, they should be repaired in time.  
A. Check whether there is air leakage in the upper and lower parts of the cylinder, otherwise the sealing ring should be replaced.  
B. Check whether the steam pipes and joints are firmly connected, and whether there is air leakage.  
C. Check whether the extension length of the rivet head exceeds the standard, otherwise it should be replaced.  
D. Check whether the rivet head swing is normal, otherwise stop for maintenance. If it is a problem with the spherical surface pair, the spherical surface pair should be replaced or repaired in time.  
E. Check whether the noise and riveting quality of the main shaft are abnormal. If so, check it. If the problem is that the bearing is worn or damaged, the bearing should be replaced immediately.  
F. Add grease to the spherical pair.  
G. Grease should be applied to parts such as guide rails to lubricate and prevent rust.  
10. The maintenance should be arranged by a dedicated person to be responsible for it at a fixed time. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, you should contact the manufacturer in time.

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